Cadastramento de usuários

Use strong passwords containing:
  • minimum of 8 characters;
  • not a simple common word;
  • lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers and symbols (!, $, %, @, #, ...).
Important to remember that passwords must be changed at regular intervals (e.g. every year) and that new passwords should not be the same or simple derivations of the passed passwords. It is also possible to use generators of random password:
Lastpass password generator

GridUNESP user

Research Project:

In order to access the computing infrastructure of the GridUNESP you need to be associated with a registered research project

Terms of use:

I agree with the GridUNESP terms of use.

Advanced options

If you already have a Grid Certificate (eg. from DOE),
please specify your DN here:

Guest user only

This will grant you access to auxiliary services only, like wiki page and the ticket tracking system.